Lawn Maintenance
The Fraser Valley is well known for having wet weather conditions through the fall and winter. Not only does it encourage the growth of moss, it also kills off many finer turf grasses. So how do you restore your lawn to its
natural beauty? Here's an easy step-by-step guide.
1. The first thing you should do in spring is add lime to your lawn. Liming sweetens the soil and encourages good grass growth at the same time as discouraging moss. Because Fraser Valley soils are generally more acidic, liming your lawn will raise the PH levels, making it easier for the grass to grow at the same time as discourages moss.
2. following up with a moss control is an important second step. Ferrous sulphate should be applied to the lawn to kill the moss. FYI – moss growth is usually a combination of acidic soil conditions, soil compression with poor drainage, and shade.
3. Next, it's advisable to rake out the moss, which can be done by hand with a moss rake. Or, you can rent a de-thatching machine at a local rent-it centre. This step will help remove the dead moss and thatch from your lawn.
4. Aeration is imperative on older lawns to allow for proper drainage and root development. It's advisable to aerate every two to three years. This procedure removes cores of soil to allow the lawn roots and soil to breathe, and moisture to drain.
5. Afterwards, you should top dress the lawn with a half-inch layer of sharp sand. It provides a porous environment and enables air and moisture to pass through.
6. The final step is fertilizing with a seed starting fertilizer and over-seeding the lawn with Nurseryland over-seeder lawn mix. Maintain a moist environment for the seed to germinate. If you follow these steps, you will soon have a new lawn, or return it to its original beauty.
Questions? Come see one of our specialists at
Homestead Nurseryland & Florist today!