Container planting

As residential areas are getting smaller, more people are turning to container planting. It's quickly becoming one of the most popular forms of gardening. Pots and hanging plants are perfect for patios, balconies, decks and yards. Here are a few tips on how to make yours stand out.

1. Start your container planting with a clean container that has drainage – plants need to drain water for success.

2. Choose a large container. The larger the container, the less you will have to water your plants. Smaller containers require more attention as they dry out more easily. Using a larger pot also allows more room for creativity.

3. Use the proper soil. Nurseryland planter box mix and container mix are made specifically for this purpose. Avoid topsoil and garden soil because they are too heavy for the plants to grow successfully. During the Fraser Valley's cold, wet springs, top soil and garden soil often compact and become too heavy for the roots, resulting in rot. Roots require proper aeration to thrive.

4. Know your choice of plant material. Some plants are shade lovers while others are sun lovers. So before you choose your plants this spring, make sure you know where your planter is going to be located. Some of the most popular shade lovers include: fuchsias, impatiens and begonias. A few favorite sun lovers include geraniums, petunias and zinnias. Don’t be afraid to incorporate some perennials and grasses into your planters for yearlong interest and texture. For best results use quality plant material such as “Proven Winners” and “Tried and True” basket stuffers.

5. Choose a slow-release fertilizer. 16-10-10 is the best because it feeds the plants for three to four months and produces beautiful results. Try mixing it in with the soil at planting time.

6. Keep your containers moist during dry periods. Check your containers daily and only water when necessary.

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